Pure East Indian Wild Mysore Sandalwood oil 3ml
100% Pure East Indian Wild Mysore Sandalwood, is a beautiful and intensely charismatic oil. The warm, deep woody aroma and complex medicinal and healing properties of sandalwood makes it a highly loved and sought after essential oil, cherished by men and women. Our East Indian Wild Mysore is slightly camphorous, strong, pungent woody when used by itself, and will combine beautifully with other oils as well.
Sandalwood is known for its medicinal properties as well as for its Ayurvedic healing energy. The sandalwood scent, omitted from sandalwood chips when being burned on charcoal, or from anointing oil being rubbed into the skin or gently heated in an oil burner, has been shown to create a calming, peaceful and positive environment. When burned, sandalwood releases natural antiseptics in the air, and the aroma induces a meditative and calm state to aid in concentration and focus in prayer and religious rituals.
Sandalwood is used in the construction of sacred buildings of meditation and prayer, because of its spiritual association, as well as for the wood's exquisite scent and impermeability to insect burrowing. The welcoming scent of sandalwood gives the inside environment a positive ambiance of tranquil peacefulness, and encourages any anger, doubt or melancholy by guests to be left outside.
Medicinally used, sandalwood is excellent for relieving cracked or dry skin, or to dry up excess mucus, ease wet coughs or bronchitis when inhaled and is also used for treatment of diarrhea and stuffy heads due to colds.
Within Ayurveda it is said to stimulate the base chakra, to improve one's self identity, energy and enthusiasm, and reduce stress, anxiety and sleeplessness. The deeply woody, warm and inviting scent of sandalwood has long been considered an aphrodisiac, as the aroma of santal contains alpha androsteroles, natural pheromones to strengthen one's self confidence and trust, thereby increase zest and physical attraction.
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