Dhen Musk Black 3ml

A fine musk of Kasthuri Himalaya, strong, yet not over bearing, spicy-earthy and sweet.

Exotic, euphoric, aphrodisiac; the aroma kindles thoughts of love, happiness, remembrance and thankfulness. This musk is a classic must-have and will become a proud addition to the Musk Connoisseur's fragrance collection.

Recommended Unisex.

The Musk Deer refers to one of the seven species that belong to the Moschus Moschidae, a smaller primitive deer compared to the cervid, or true deer. This type of deer is found in the Himalayas; Nepal, India, Tibet, China, Siberia and Mongolia. The Moschids have longer hind legs than front legs and lacks antlers, but the male deer possesses tusk-like teeth and a musk gland. The substance with a pungent, penetrating odor produced by the musk gland “pod” of the Moschid is the actual pure Deer Musk.

Distilled the traditional way and incorporates the medicinal and spiritual qualities of pure musk. Musk is a dry, hot substance and has shown effectiveness when treating conditions of the respiratory system, weakness of the brain, epilepsy and psychiatric conditions. It is highly useful for cold weather chills, numbness or fatigue and has proven to be a good strength provider for the heart. 

Pure Deer Musk has several medicinal values and has been used in Eastern Medicine since the late 1800's. It was proven to be a powerful detoxification agent (even as an antidote for snake bites) and used to treat fever and inflammation, for reduction of swelling and abdominal pain. Musk has also been shown to promote healthy blood circulation and decrease heart palpitations. 

It brings strength and comfort to the external organs when anointed with it. Musk helps against fainting, dizziness, shaking and for the ones who have excessive skin moisture. In addition, Musk is an aromatic, rare substance, highly pheoromonous by nature and an aphrodisiac by its animalic origin


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